What is Digital Enablement, and how is it different from Digital Transformation?

‘Digital Transformation’ is the word of the decade. It’s been around longer than anyone could predict and also, has been the most misunderstood concept. Most organisations cannot distinguish digital transformation from digital enablement. So to understand it better, let’s look at this definition from Gartner that defines digital transformation,
“Digital transformation can refer to anything from IT modernisation (for example, cloud computing), to digital optimisation, to the invention of new digital business models. The term is widely used in public-sector organisations to refer to modest initiatives such as putting services online or legacy modernisation.”
Most organisations implement technologies but do not know how to scale with them to achieve a holistic digital transformation. This is where digital enablement helps to bring in the balance between new technology implementation and mastering it. Digital transformation focuses on modernisation and change whereas enablement helps ensure that transformation becomes possible and successful.
Why Digital Enablement is needed?
On average, 40% of organisations improved operational efficiency with the implementation of a digital model. (Source: ZIPPIA)
Let’s just say it’s a need that’s become urgent with enormously growing competition, those organisations that may not catch up with the pace will be left far behind to cope. It is evident that customers today prefer experiences that are fast and precise. Hence, to future-proof it, here are some of the benefits:
1. Strategic alignment- Any transformation needs to align with the organisation’s vision and strategic initiative. Instead of just implementing new technology because it’s the latest in trend digital enablement helps ensure that your brand achieves its goals.
2. Flexibility and adaptability- Digital enablement helps ensure you cope with uncertain and unpredictable situations. It makes sure that during changing market scenarios and customer interests they have better adaptability to adjust strategies and make goals to meet new requirements.
3. Improved efficiency- Business efficiency and productivity can be improved highly with digital enablement. It helps ensure that there aren’t any roadblocks to delay the teams, also they have a defined workflow. The purpose is to ensure that teams know where the content goes, who needs to see it before approval, streamline the communication process and more.
4. Enhanced customer experience- The ultimate goal of any business is to ensure that they deliver exactly what the customer wants. Digital enablement gives teams the ability and skills to operate efficiently while providing a seamless and engaging experience to delight the customer.
The four pillars of Digital Enablement
1. Define ambition- Have a clear vision of your digital strategy, and find alignment between digital and corporate strategy. Set up an operating model for success. Align talent, people and strategy with digital enablement.
2. Digital leadership- Make sure to assess the leadership for change. Define leadership attributes and create a plan to develop digital leadership capabilities.
3. Rewire your organisation- Define digital culture attributes, and develop a new organisational design to embrace the digital culture. Access new capabilities needed to develop the digital strategy.
4. Engage and enable- Provide necessary training and guidance to transition the workforce to a new digital organisation. Help them build capabilities through learning. Analyse and align the performance metrics to sustain and realise benefits.
How SalesPanda can help you with Digital Enablement?
SalesPanda is a sales enablement and sales acceleration platform that comes with well-integrated features that empower various partner and sales networks of organisations to become digitally enabled with automation. It comprises an asset management module, social media and email automation, CRM, task management, training and coaching. We aim to help organisations and extended channels to meet the changing customer demands and possess skills that can help them grow their sales.
However, our approach is not just to implement technology and transformation that is hard to embrace, we provide enablement that can ease the process, solve problems and align with the overall business goals. We provide relevant onboarding support, workshops and assistance so that the platform user can take advantage of these features and get the best out of digital enablement.